About Home Office Hustle

Jake is the author and creator of Home Office Hustle. He is obsessed with helping those that possess the willingness to learn about improving their home office space.

I first fell in love with the home office space back in 2015 when I was working as an analyst for a real estate company. I had to work from home many times that winter as the Minnesota snowfall was brutal. I was standing in my bedroom in my parents’ basement wondering how I will be able to stay focused working in my room…

Then I noticed this perfect ledge over in the corner to set up a desk, and the ideas started flowing in. Those ideas haven’t stopped coming to me, and that obsession has brought us here.

Home Office Hustle is my creative outlet that allows me to share ideas, opinions, projects, and products that can help you get your office set up to improve your efficiency in style! I’m hoping I can help you do it faster than it took me by documenting all of my experiences as well!

I have 5 years of experience optimizing home offices, as you will find in my writing my background is more so strong in functionality vs design, but I am learning more every day in those regards. I have my MBA in finance from North Dakota State University and am a financial analyst by trade.

My drive here at Home Office Hustle is derived from my opinion that anyone can have their own home office… So long as they want it, and they are…